Non-compliance could

cost your organization thousands

Do your frontline managers know what to do if a pregnant employee asks for accommodation?

Passed in 2023, this law is meant to keep pregnant employees in the workforce.

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)

Covered Employers

The PWFA impacts all businesses with at least 15 employees. Undue hardship can only be claimed if it will be a significant difficulty or expense for the employer.


Reasonable accommodations must be made for pregnant workers with known limitations. Leave is considered a last resort.

Quick and Easy

The law requires that requests be quick and easy. A passing conversation with a manager is enough to activate the interactive process.

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Do your managers know what to do?

Frontline managers must be empowered to grant accommodations.

The people managers at your organization need to know the requirements of this law and must be empowered to make accommodation decisions.

Some accommodations must be made immediately in all situations. Do you know what they are? Do your managers?

Denying accommodations could lead to lawsuits, settlement costs, and high turnover rates, costing your organization hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Train your frontline managers to avoid the costs of litigation and reputation damage. One mistake from a manager could come with high costs!


Multiple formats to fit your business needs

Self-paced eLearning courses

  • Purchase a SCORM package to upload to your company's LMS for complete tracking. (One-time purchase starting at $2,000)
  • COMING SOON - Enroll managers on our LMS and they will receive a certificate of completion when they finish. (Pay $297 per learner)

 Live workshops

  • 1-hour workshop to cover the basics of the law
  • 2-hour workshop to cover the law and take a deeper dive into case studies and strategies for your specific organization
  • Online: Starting at $400/hour
  • In-person (price varies depending on location)

beyond compliance

With the right support from their organization and leaders, working parents can thrive as both employees and parents. This
training will help you move beyond just complying to truly understand the needs of these employees. As a result, you'll be able to build a more supportive and inclusive work environment for parents, likely leading to higher retention rates!


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